Thursday, March 10, 2011

Land of the Giants

Last year's Summer Reading Program at the local libraries was "Make a Splash". I didn't find very many people who liked the theme, but I did, and I developed a great program around it. But, I didn't get hired to perform it. Of course, last year the budgets were horendous, and I don't know anyone who got hired to do their Summer Reading Show

This year's program is "One World, Many Stories". Which honestly, I think is a little broad, but it's got a lot of potential.

A couple of years ago I thought about doing an CD with giant stories and sea chanteys, called "Land of the Giants". I've got a lot of giants stories, not just giant people but spiders and pumpkins and other giant stuff. The CD hasn't materialized yet, but it's tough to get going on something like this, especially with so few CD sales and no deadline.

So, when I saw this year's program I decided to do "Land of the Giants" for my Summer Reading program in the hopes that someone would book the show, forcing me to practice the material which would go onto my new CD. And, thanks to my friend and fellow storyteller, Cyndy Griffin, the Fletcher Hills library booked "Land of the Giants" for June.

Now, for me a deadline like "June" isn't exactly pressing, but I really want to make the CD and get this show on the road, so I've started tearing into it.

So, here's what I've got so far...

The Goblin Spider
Feegbah, the Giant Pumpkin
The Black Pookah
Jack and the Beanstalk
Waynetta and the Cornstalk
The Giant who had no Heart in his Body

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